
Al-Malik - He is the One to whom belongs the absolute dominion of the heavens and the earth and everything in them. The entire universe is under His control. There is nothing above Him. He alone has true and supreme dominion and disposes of the entire universe in the manner He pleases. He is the owner of everything. The name Al-Maleek points to Allah’s absolute and glorious sovereignty.

Occurrence: Al-Malik: 5 times; Al-Maleek: once; Al-Maalik: twice.

Evidence: “…The Sovereign Lord (Al-Malik) the Holy One…” (Surah 59 «Al-Hashr» , Ayah 23) ;

“Truly, the righteous will be among gardens and rivers, in a seat of honour in the presence of a Sovereign who is Perfect in Ability.” (Surah 54 «Al-Qamar» , Ayah 54) ;

“Say, ‘O Allah! Owner of Sovereignty!..” (Surah 3 «Aal-i-Imraan» , Ayah 26)