
Al-Mawla - The Guardian, The Master, The Protector. He is the guardian who manages everything and disposes of all affairs. Allah, Exalted be He, is the Master of all creation; that is, He is their Creator, Ruler and True God who alone deserves to be worshipped. He loves the believers and provides them with special help and support.

Al-Mawlaa is the only one who is truly in control and who provides the most perfect support in each situation. He is the one who is near to us, as both our patron and ally, He is our ultimate back-up and His help is the only we seek!

Occurrence: Al-Waliyy: 15 times; Al-Mawlaa: 12 times.

Evidence: “… Allah is your Protector—an excellent Protector and an excellent Helper!” (Surah 8 «Al-Anfaal» , Ayah 40);

“He is the Protector, the Praiseworthy.” (Surah 42 «Ash-Shura» , Ayah 28)